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  /  Art   /  Mikey & Mia

Mikey & Mia

Wimbledon Common. London 2020. 

Life after lockdown.

Mikey & Mia. Image © Gem Rey

It’s Sunday 23rd August 2020. As Sunday’s go I’d say this has been a rather special one. Thanks to this tribe of four.

We have all been in isolation for months and months. Thinking about life and wondering what is to be or not to be. Learning how to grow our own brocoli, tomatoes and to survive in a time of total uncertainty. Recognising what really matters to us. For many of us, getting away from the city and enjoying a life with friends in nature is at the top of the list.

Mikey & Mia. Image © GEM REY

I have found that inspiration is infinite. Creativity is in abundance. There is much to be grateful for and the future is bright. After all, life is what you make of it. 

A friend posted on facebook a week ago that he couldn’t believe what he had seen on Wimbledon Common. I kept reading the post and it turned out he had come across a Macaw, or two. 

“I know who that is!” I thought. 

I enquired a little further and yes, it was of course Mikey and Mia out for their daily exercise. 

Mikey & Mia. Image © GEM REY
Image © Gem Rey

I have not seen these friends of mine for some years. Silly really as we are often not so far from each other. But that is how life was, in the old days. You know, always too busy to see those who you actually really want to see.

As we are steadily coming out of the apocalypse, there is immense gratitude for this opportunity in life to take a moment or two to reflect, to think, to nurture what it is that we really want to do with our lives. This doesn’t really happen on such a synchronised scale, ever !

Mikey & Mia. Image © Gem Rey

Now, I have been told by Mikey Macaw that I am to refer to their humans as ‘Mummy Human’ and ‘Daddy Human’, so as far as I’m concerned, I’m not going to mess with a Macaw !

“Mummy Human” has always felt a connection with birds and from an early age she knew that one day she would have one. She persuaded ‘Daddy Human’ to let her adopt a Macaw who needed a new home. Mikey had been living with an owner who simply could not give him the time and attention that was needed for such a bird. These Macaw’s are incredibly aware, clever and affectionate and require a tremendous amount of stimulation in their day to day life. They also require space to move and they love to learn. 

Image © GEM REY

I feel I must say at this point with extreme emphasis and importance, these birds are not something that should be bought as a pet, at all. They should be wild. Always.

However, sadly there are situations where such creatures do find themselves in the wrong hands in captivity, and when this happens, they need help.

So, Mikey the blue and yellow Macaw moved in with Mummy Human and Daddy Human and little did they realise that this decision was going to change their world, completely! 

Image © Gem Rey

It is now debatable on who is who’s pet. Mikey totally runs the show, it would seem.

Everyday is a new day of learning and progress. Having enjoyed this process so much, Mummy & Daddy Human decided to see if they could find Mikey a companion. 

This is when they came across Mia. 

Mia had her wings clipped, she had never flown before. Mia lived in a cage that was far too tiny for her magnificent size. She was not eating properly, she was lonely and she was sad. M & D took her in and nurtured her every moment of every day. They loved her and cared for her, Mikey did too. As the weeks, months passed by they started to see signs that she was getting stronger, more relaxed, more powerful in herself. The wonderful thing about Macaw’s as I learned today, is that their wings replenish each year. This was good news for Mia. Her clipped wings since birth had grown. Even though she had not used them before, they were there, and they were ready.

Mikey & Mia. Image © Gem Rey

One fine day, this wonderful family went to the outdoor fresh air here in these stunning south London parklands and Mia spread her wings for the first time in her life and she flew.

What I found rather overwhelming today as I watched these stunning birds loving every second of their life, is that they are hugely emotional. They actually blush when they are happy. Their beautiful white feathered faces blush into pink. Mia did this a few times after she had flown. One can only imagine what she must be feeling to have been given the opportunity in her life to do what she was born to do. To fly.

Image © Gem Rey

The love that M & D have given to these two enchanting birds is both humbling and an inspiration. It is their calling. With a well deserved following of 100,000 subscribers to their YouTube channel, they are bringing so much love to the people of the world every day simply through their unique journey with these graceful tropical birds. Lockdown has meant that they have been able to spend even more time with Mikey and Mia. This is now a way of life. M & D have enjoyed educating the public on the characteristics and remarkable nature that these inquisitive and clever wild wonders behold.

Image © Gem Rey

It was Mia’s 3rd Birthday a couple of weeks ago and they organised a Birthday party for her with a whole load of other Macaws and parrots from all over the country. The film is on YouTube here:

These types of birds naturally love to flock, so on this day they were able to do just that. I don’t suppose they had ever been able to do that before. There was a melon birthday cake sprinkled with dill and fresh pomegranate seeds and each bird had a bowl of freshly chopped fruit and veg. I think I might move in!

Mummy Human with Mikey & Mia. Image © Gem Rey

Mikey and Mia have helped people through struggles with mental health and have brought calm and joy to all who have come to know them. 

It is an honour to be in the presence of such wild spirited companions. These are not pets. The calming magnificence, the honour and gratitude to be accepted in the space of such feathered friends, I was in awe. Being with Mikey and Mia is like pure yoga for the mind, body and soul. They love cuddles too !

Mikey & Mia. Wimbledon Common. Image © Gem Rey

I simply say, “Thank You”.

What a wonderful day.

May you all continue to fly into 2020, as you were born to do.

Mikey & Mia. Image © Gem Rey

To keep up with Mikey and Mia you can subscribe to their YouTube channel HERE 

Follow Mikey & Mia on Instagram: @mikey_themacaw

Stay safe everyone. Let the universe guide you.

Always be wild.



  • 24th August 2020

    Inspiring as always Gem x

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